Index of /Awards/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
File2009 grassroots excellence & outstanding achievement awards-p1-1.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 364k
File2009 grassroots excellence & outstanding achievement awards-p2-1.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 1624k
File2009 Grassroots Excellence & Outstanding Achievement Awards.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 2352k
[IMG]2009 Grassroots Excellence Award (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 12k
[IMG]2009 Merit Award, AIACV Globe Mills (Honor Edit) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]2009 Merit Award, AIACV Globe Mills (Honor Edit).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 624k
[IMG]2010 AIACC presidential citation cropped.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 1128k
[IMG]2010 Awards Banquet Flyer_Page_1.jpeg2019-09-06 20:42 144k
[IMG]2010 awards banquet invite.jpeg2019-09-06 20:42 148k
[IMG]2015-Vision-Honors_gray-gold (Small).png2019-09-06 20:42 48k
File_MG_3022 (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 168k
FileAIA Appreciation 1986 (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 4k
FileAIA Appreciation 1986 (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 36k
FileAIA Appreciation 1994 (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileAIA Appreciation 1994 (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 56k
FileAIA Appreciation 2002 Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 4k
FileAIA Appreciation 2002 Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 40k
FileAIA Appreciation 2005 (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileAIA Appreciation 2005 (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 52k
FileAIA Appreciation Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileAIA Appreciation Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 60k
[IMG]AIA CA Council Award (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 12k
[IMG]AIA CA Council Award (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 60k
FileAIA Membership (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileAIA Membership (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 92k
[IMG]AIA special commendation 2014_Page_1.jpeg2019-09-06 20:42 420k
[IMG]AIA_letter (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
[IMG]AIACC Commendtaion 2010 Nov.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 3020k
[IMG]AIACC presidential citation 2010 cropped (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 136k
[IMG]AIACC presidential citation 2010 cropped.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 1128k
FileAIACC presidential citation 2011 cropped (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 196k
[IMG]AIACV cert of appreciation1 (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 84k
[IMG]AIACV Chapter Recognition.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 324k
[IMG]AIACV Chapter Recognition_small.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileAppreciation Design Review Brd (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileAppreciation Design Review Brd (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 60k
FileArchitect Certification (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileArchitect Certification (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 76k
[IMG]award_final (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileBachelor of Science (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileBachelor of Science (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 112k
Filebest in american remodeling award ver3.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 1452k
FileBizJournal-Globe Mills wins redevelopment award.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 24k
[IMG]california preservation foundation.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 56k
FileCBAE Appreciation (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileCBAE Appreciation (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
[IMG]ceritficate2 (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileCert of Service (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileCert of Service (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 84k
[IMG]certificate 2 (Small) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
[IMG]certificate June05 (Large) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileCIMG4364.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 6804k
FileCIMG4364_small.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileCity Council Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileCity Council Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 76k
[IMG]cityof stockton(DHR)_a (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileCommision on Dev. Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileCommision on Dev. Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
FileCommunity College Credential (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileCommunity College Credential (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 112k
[IMG]composite additional awards (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 128k
[IMG]congress_letter (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileContractor's License (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileContractor's License (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 108k
FileCSUS Appreciation (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileCSUS Appreciation (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 76k
[IMG]cva firm tour pub award.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 344k
FileDesign & Presv Brd Membership (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileDesign & Presv Brd Membership (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
[IMG]design review board service award (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 120k
[IMG]DOC Awards (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 52k
[IMG]downtownstockton_alliance (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]F42CertificateAsynchronous (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]F42CertificateAsynchronous.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 60k
Filefirm tour poster.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
FileGlobe Awarded Transit Oriented Development of the Year.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 44k
FileGlobe Mill national NALHFA award 2008.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 84k
[IMG]globe millls nalhfa award.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 116k
[IMG]globe mills (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 84k
[IMG]harassment course certificate.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 160k
Fileharassment course thumb.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 40k
FileHenry Adams Fund Awards (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileHenry Adams Fund Awards (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 64k
FileICBO Membership (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileICBO Membership (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 108k
FileICC Membership (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileICC Membership (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 100k
[IMG]invitation-1 (Small) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
FileLand Park Little League Appreciation (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileLand Park Little League Appreciation (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 56k
Filelargest construction projects downtown2.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 40k
Filelargest construction projects4.JPG2019-09-06 20:42 76k
[IMG]Leadership of DOC Award Final (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 16k
[IMG]Leadership of DOC Award Final.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 572k
[IMG]letter_cityof stockton (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
FileMaster of Architecture (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileMaster of Architecture (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 112k
FileMc Graw Hill award Globe Mills 2009.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 32k
[IMG]Mc graw Hill copy (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 104k
[IMG]medal front back (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 308k
FileMidtowner-2420 K st (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 20k
FileMidtowner-2420 K st (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 172k
FileNCARB Certification (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileNCARB Certification (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 76k
FileOral Exam Completion (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 12k
FileOral Exam Completion (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
[IMG]Outstanding Service DOC Award Final (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 32k
[IMG]Outstanding Service DOC Award Final.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 376k
FilePhi Beta Kappa (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FilePhi Beta Kappa (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 72k
[IMG]Pioneers In Preservation nametag (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 8k
[IMG]Pioneers In Preservation nametag.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 220k
FilePioneers In Preservation nametag.pdf2019-09-06 20:42 604k
[IMG]richard upjohn fellowship award.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 528k
[IMG]robertadeeringletter (Medium) (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]S46CertificateAsynchronous (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]S46CertificateAsynchronous.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 64k
FileSEAOCC Post Disaster Training (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileSEAOCC Post Disaster Training (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 104k
FileShortcut to 2009 Merit Award, AIACV Globe Mills (Honor Edit).jpg.lnk2019-09-06 20:42 4k
[IMG]SKMBT_C45215032711130.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 580k
[IMG]SKMBT_C45215063015110.jpg2019-09-06 20:42 304k
FileSOCA 1329 O St Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 16k
FileSOCA 1329 O St Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 116k
FileSOCA 2630 J st Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:42 20k
FileSOCA 2630 J st Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 144k
FileSOCA 519 12th St Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 16k
FileSOCA 519 12th St Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 144k
[IMG]SPEAKER BUREAU CHAIR (2).jpg2019-09-06 20:43 16k
FileThe Stockton- Recon & Renov Award (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 16k
FileThe Stockton- Recon & Renov Award (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 68k
FileThumbs.db2019-09-06 20:43 440k
[IMG]Transit Oriented Development Award (Custom).jpg2019-09-06 20:43 16k
FileTransit Oriented Development Award.pdf2019-09-06 20:43 1060k
[IMG]transit oriented project of the year1.jpg2019-09-06 20:43 180k
FileVICA Olympic Official (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 8k
FileVICA Olympic Official (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 24k
[IMG]WAL Best Real Estate Projects.jpg2019-09-06 20:43 8k
[IMG]WalBestRealEstate Article (Large).jpg2019-09-06 20:43 912k
Filewhite house rural council invitation.JPG2019-09-06 20:43 44k
[IMG]white house rural council invitation1.jpg2019-09-06 20:43 1004k
FileWho's Who in CA (Large) (Custom).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 16k
FileWho's Who in CA (Large).JPG2019-09-06 20:43 76k
[IMG]wsf clip2.jpg2019-09-06 20:43 116k
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