aagallery | 2022-08-12 01:59 | - |
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Awards | 2019-09-06 20:43 | - |
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Folsom Eclectic Center_files | 2019-09-06 20:43 | - |
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images | 2019-09-06 02:16 | - |
Images for standard webpages | 2019-09-06 20:46 | - |
In-Print | 2022-07-05 19:57 | - |
Interior_transformations | 2019-09-06 20:47 | - |
mfm | 2019-09-06 20:48 | - |
News | 2019-09-06 20:49 | - |
online | 2019-09-06 20:49 | - |
Other Historic pages | 2019-09-06 20:49 | - |
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Publications | 2019-09-06 20:51 | - |
Ridgeway Studios | 2019-09-06 20:52 | - |
stockton | 2019-09-06 20:53 | - |
theappliedarchitect | 2024-06-09 00:50 | - |
thestockton | 2019-09-06 20:53 | - |
thexlofts | 2019-09-06 20:54 | - |
thumbnails_photod_articles | 2019-09-06 20:55 | - |
Transformations | 2019-09-06 20:55 | - |
Video | 2019-09-06 20:57 | - |
WAL | 2019-09-06 20:57 | - |
WatermanSquareII | 2019-09-06 20:57 | - |
WEBPAGE TEMPLATE | 2019-09-06 20:57 | - |
xcloner | 2019-09-24 19:42 | - |
favicon.ico | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 0k |
2400 26th small.jpg | 2019-09-06 20:57 | 4k |
3030T.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
3527 Broadway.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
8215 Auburn Blvd.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
aiacv.html | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
AppliedArts1.master | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
AppliedArts2.master | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
blank.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 4k |
East Sacramento Village for urban infill.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
East Sacramento Village.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
email.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
errorpage.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Fair Oaks Aerie for mixed use.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Fair Oaks Aerie.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
firm_leadership.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Folsom Eclectic Center addition for mixed use.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Folsom Eclectic Center addition.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
fphoverx.class | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
ftp.appliedarts.net.url | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
globe mills (Large)_small.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
GLOBE5 small_small.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
google2adf6caedec6f4a4.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Hackney.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Happ Hub Cap.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
hotel stockton small.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Kitchens.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
mediabyusarcca92.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
missing.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
MsSpacer.gif | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
old.ftpquota | 2009-11-24 22:08 | 4k |
old.htaccess | 2017-01-19 03:31 | 4k |
Photo Template.dwt | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
php.ini | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 4k |
php5.ini | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
phpinfo.php | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
postinfo.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Rios.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Stylesheet.css | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
Waterman Square.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
watermansquareII.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 4k |
2630 J street for facade.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
2630 J street for historic.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
2630 J street for urban infill.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
2630 J street.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
6007 Folsom Blvd.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
aiacc2014.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Applied Arts Studiox.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Armstrong Pool House.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Benson.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Bodene.html | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Brazzel.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Courtyard Village.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 8k |
Dickinsons_second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Dickinsons_tudor.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
esacvillage small.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Flores.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Folsom Eclectic Center for facade.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Folsom Eclectic Center.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
front view (WinCE).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Galt Place for mixed use retail.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Galt Place.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Gilliland.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
GLOBE5 small.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Hackney_second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Hackney_tudor.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Homes Inset Area only.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
In Print-Scrapbook4.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
In Print-Scrapbook4.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 8k |
Johannessen.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Johl_mediterrarian.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Johl_second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Kapicka.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Leu Residence_second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Lincoln Landing.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
logo_website.gif | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Mortensen Residence_second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Philosophy.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
pict with logo copy (Custom).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Picture1 (WinCE).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Roberts.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Robinson.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Skinner.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Slipe.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
stapp Low_contemporary.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
stapp Low_second story and remodel.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
stapp_lowfinal.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Stockton for multifamily.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Stockton.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
template.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Thompson_Second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Thompson_Tudor.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
tracy place.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
WAL main.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
WAL.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Walsh.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
watermansquareII_floorplans.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
watermansquareII_location.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
watermansquareII_SitePlan.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
webformmailer.php | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
White_contemporary.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
White_transformation-second story.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
White_transformation.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
Woods.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 8k |
2400 26th.jpg | 2019-09-06 20:57 | 12k |
aia_topnav.jpeg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
aiaLogo.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Applied Arts Studio old.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Applied Arts Studio updated for Urban Landfill.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Applied Arts Studio updated.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Applied Arts Studio.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Boudene Exterior 03.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
Boudene Interior 02.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 12k |
DesignSupport.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 12k |
FINAL1 (WinCE).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 12k |
fphover.class | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 12k |
ridgeway1.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 12k |
white.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 12k |
CandidateStatement.html | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 16k |
Exterior_transformation.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
gallery homes.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Holiday Cards.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Homes_Exterior Transformation.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Homes_Exterior Transformation.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 16k |
Homes_pool houses1.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Interior_transformation.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Interior_transformation.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 16k |
Join Our Team.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
mfm-4.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 16k |
Consulting.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook2.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook2.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook3.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
In Print-Scrapbook3.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 20k |
Multifamily page 2.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
Multifamilypage 2.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
Our philospohy.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 20k |
aia1.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 24k |
Connect.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 24k |
Connect.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 24k |
Connectold.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 24k |
Contact Page 01.html | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 24k |
Homes_Mediterraneanold.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 24k |
mfm-2.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 24k |
Site under construction.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 24k |
thestockton.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 24k |
Whatwedo.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 24k |
xindex.dwt | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 24k |
beforeaftercommercial.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 28k |
Facade_Auto.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Facade_Downtown.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Facade_Professional.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Facade_StripCenter.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Facade_Urban.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
homes new.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Homes_Californian.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
Homes_Contemporary.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
Homes_Contemporary.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
Homes_Kitchen.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
Homes_Kitchen.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
Homes_masterSuites.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
Homes_masterSuites.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
In Print-Home Sense.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
In Print-Home Sense.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
Interactive_Design.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
mfm-3.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
mike20a (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
MVC-030S.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
New facade.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
Portfolio.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
Portfolio.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 28k |
Signage and Lighting.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 28k |
WhatWeDo.html | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
xindex.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 28k |
xindex.html | 2019-09-06 02:02 | 28k |
AIACC LOGOA (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 32k |
AwardsB.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 32k |
beforeafter.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 32k |
Doersch 2 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 32k |
Homes.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Homes.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
Homes_Californian.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Homes_Classical.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Homes_Classical.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
Homes_Mediterranean.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 32k |
Homes_Mediterranean.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
Homes_Second Story Addition.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 32k |
Homes_Second Story Addition.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
Homesold.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 32k |
Interactive_Design.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Multifamily.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Multifamily.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
Retail.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
Retail.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 32k |
WhoWeAre.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 32k |
aia.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 36k |
hackney1.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 36k |
Homes_Kitchen_Traditional.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 36k |
Homes_Kitchen_Traditional.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 36k |
mfm-1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 36k |
mike36 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 36k |
Historic.htm | 2019-10-01 01:05 | 40k |
Homes_Gathering Spaces.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 40k |
Homes_Gathering Spaces.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 40k |
Homes_Tudor&Craftsmen.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 40k |
Homes_Tudor&Craftsmen.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 40k |
Stapp Low bath 3.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 40k |
Urban Infill.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 40k |
Urban Infill.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 40k |
esacvillage.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
Homes_pool houses.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
Nelson Kennedy (Medium).JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
Pratt 1 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
Resume Example.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
Resume.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
SacMag-Power & Influence 100 (Cover) (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
stoddard taylor (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 44k |
bensen.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 48k |
Joe_kitchen 2 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 48k |
Pratt 2 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 48k |
Stapp Low bath 2.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 48k |
Thompson (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 48k |
atlee (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 52k |
awardslist.html | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 52k |
Boudene Exterior.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 52k |
Design Render (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 52k |
Doersch 1 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 52k |
Globe Mills for multifamily.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 52k |
Joe_kitchen 1 (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 52k |
Losco (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 52k |
sitemap.xml | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 52k |
Folsom Eclectic center-View 4 (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 56k |
Saper (Medium).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 56k |
Broadway Victorian.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 60k |
Overman1 (Medium).JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 60k |
A131 Stapplow_bath (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 64k |
FRONT-ELEVATION (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 64k |
GLOBE5.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 64k |
Benson_Master Bath.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 68k |
Boudene Interior 01.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 68k |
Globe Mills images.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 68k |
Other Historic projects.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 68k |
Robinson bath2 (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 68k |
Globe Mills.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 72k |
AIACC-1VP-Malinowski-Nomination.pdf | 2019-09-06 20:42 | 88k |
O16-Neighborhood Context Map (Small).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 88k |
top logo.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 88k |
pict with logo copy.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 92k |
Robinson bath1jpg (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 92k |
In Print.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 96k |
In Print.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 96k |
Joe_kitchen 2 (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 96k |
Morris bath copy (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 96k |
robinson 1 (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 96k |
Grupe_master bedroom (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 100k |
wood podium article_thumbnail.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 104k |
hotel stockton.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 108k |
Benson_master bedroom.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 112k |
Romani_bedroom4.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 112k |
stapplow_masterbedroom (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 112k |
benson_master bath 2.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 116k |
Kapicka _exterior.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 116k |
Morris bedroom.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 116k |
Romani_bedroom.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 116k |
Ridgeway2.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 120k |
clip_image001.png | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 124k |
News.htm | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 124k |
News.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 124k |
mfm presenting.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 128k |
mfm-5.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 144k |
Awards.htm | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 160k |
Awards.html | 2019-09-06 02:20 | 160k |
91146 Abbott Thomas_kitchen2.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 180k |
91146 Abbott-Thomas kitchen1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 184k |
A131 STapp Low _Kitchen (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 188k |
techx.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 200k |
E035 Thompson_kitchen (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 228k |
White_kitchen 3.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 228k |
Walsh_kitchen (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 232k |
AppliedArchitectureResume.mht | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 236k |
C073 sequiera-lasron kitchen 2jpg.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 236k |
F065 Joe_kitchen (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 240k |
Joe_kitchen 1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 240k |
Roberts_kitchen.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 240k |
97105 Slipe kitchen 1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 244k |
Boudene Exterior 02.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 244k |
Stoddard Taylor (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 264k |
99097 Gilliland Kitchen1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 268k |
D085 Morris_kitchen1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 268k |
White_kitchen 1.JPG | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 268k |
99005 Bensen Kitchen.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 272k |
C073 SQUEIRA LASRON_KITCHEN 1.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 276k |
Grupe_kitchen (Medium) copy.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 276k |
PublicationsList.html | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 296k |
B041 VORSTER_kitchen 1 .JPG | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 308k |
Joe_kitchen 2.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 308k |
Woods_kitchen .jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 312k |
AAIACV whitepaper.jpg | 2019-09-06 21:01 | 344k |
Thumbs.db | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 360k |
MAP (Large).jpg | 2019-09-06 21:02 | 364k |